Striking the design and development balance of 2022, we’ve made the list of articles in Broworks Blog that are the most-read, liked, and viewed past year.
The past year was very turbulent in the tech world with NFT and Metaverse's rise and fall, which affected our lives, even websites, quite a bit. But our articles were not devoted only to that, but as well as various topics of Webflow, UI, and UX design. So, let’s review what themes have been found the most actual and interesting by our readers.
Figma to Webflow - The best duo on the market - Read what these tools are, how we use them in our process, and why they are the best to use for a perfect website design and development process.
5 Big trends in 2022 - In this article, we reviewed some of the most impactful trends that took 2022 by storm and affected the look and feel of many websites.
Unique skill set every UI designer should have - The article shares insights on what skills every UI designer should have in order to be successful and keep up with ever-growing trends.
Mascots and memes in UI/UX: Elements of personalized design - The article unveils the importance of mascots and memes as a part of a brand and what kind of impact they might have on the community.
NFT and UI Design - NFTs had a huge impact on everyone in 2022, therefore we covered what kind of impact they had on websites and how could a designer create an impactful website that focuses on selling NFTs.
Huge thanks to all of our readers during the past year and cheers to many more articles to come on our website.