7 ways to improve your SEO ranking

All business owners should already know the value of a website. We hope so!
The website serves to show your company in an enormous market such as the Internet. When we think about the role of the Internet in our lives, it is a bit scary to admit how much time people spend online. People search, read, watch, write, post, and download content, and there is an unimaginable amount of it. The flow of information is so great that it is both good and bad news at the same time! Search Engines can find you instant information about almost anything you type in the search bar. It is practical from the realm of science to the realm of entertainment.
However, there is a possibility that the amount of information will overwhelm you. If they come from all sides, then how to single out the information that is important to you, those that are relevant, that are true, etc. If you want to put some of your content on a website, then you need to ask yourself - how can your content not be lost on the Internet? How can right people see something that you have decided to throw into space with so much information? Space called the Internet.
The answer is simple - optimization.
Optimization, in short, is the adjustment of site elements so that Search Engines recognize them as relevant and useful for Users.
It is called Search Engine Optimization - SEO.
For any site, it is vital that Search Engines, such as Google, rate the content as valuable for it to be at the top of the User search list. Website SEO is just the way to that No. 1 place on Google!
The truth is, if your site is in the top three in Google search results, many more people will visit it. So, SEO helps Search Engines to create a hierarchy of information on the Internet. That makes it easier for people to find their way and easier to find proven good sites. SEO experts already know the main features that site content needs to have to look good in the eyes of Google:
- There must be a clear organization and good navigation of the User through the site search experience.
- Content must have keywords - the ones that people type in when searching for certain content
- Pages must have links that lead the User to meaningfully related content
- call-to-action elements that lead him to the desired action, and other interactive elements

Well, those are the pillars of SEO optimization. Any SEO expert will make sure to assign these features to your website so that you can compete with others for a place at the top. However, it can always be even better! Because SEO optimization is a process. That is why, in addition to the basics of SEO, we especially highlight how you can improve the SEO ranking of your site!
These 7 tips are golden advice that can take your website to the next level! Where more people will visit and see the quality of your content. So let's start.
- Speed up Page Loading
- Format the Text
- Include the Table of Contents
- Optimize Images
- Use the Link Potential
- Be Active on Social Media
- Create Quality Content
1. Speed up Page Loading
3 seconds is already a lot!
If a page does not load in 3 seconds, the visitor gives up and leaves your site. Then it doesn't even matter what it says anymore.
To avoid losing many, usually impatient, visitors, make sure that all the pages on your site load quickly! Especially those pages that are most visited. The ones that contain the most important information about you must not have any delay! We tell you this especially because we know that the rich content on the page makes it difficult to load. You will sometimes have to sacrifice some precious element that you like but causes a lag when loading. As good as it is, such an element on the site only does damage. Trust us, you can do without such an element. It can be formed differently and fit better. But you can't do without your site visitors, your future clients. So, don’t lose them on slow page loading.
Another thing, remove all dead CTA elements and links. These elements, with their appearance and position, make the User click on them. So, if nothing happens, this will leave a bad impression.
Remember that all that User experiences, Google sees. And by that, it ranks your website.
Therefore, do not leave such non-functional things on the pages thinking that they do not harm. At least it's easy to clean up the garbage from your precious site.
So, get to work!

2. Format the Text
You have a lot to say and show. The content is getting bigger, longer, and vague... ah. The visitor loses attention and becomes burdened with information.
Well, just try to divide the content into portions. Part by part, the User can absorb so much relevant info without knowing how much text and images he went through. The secret is in the well-thought delivery of a bunch of content. It's good to divide the copy into smaller paragraphs, but make sure they make sense as a whole.
You can put headings above the smaller sections of text. Hierarchize content to make it easier for users to read.
Bold, separated, italic, uppercase, and lowercase letters - don't overdo it, but separate the more important from less important. This kind of content where there is a marked difference between essence, subcategories, and secondary information is easier to follow than plain, unformatted text. And it means not only for the User but also for the all-seeing Google.
Headings, especially if they contain keywords in the text, mean a lot to SEO, and Google notices them very much.

3. Include the Table of Contents
A trick that organizes content even better is adding a table of contents at the top or side of the page. Because of aesthetics? No. Do not think that the content table has no serious function.
Contents, especially with long blogs, can relieve a site page so much. This table presents to the reader what to expect if he starts reading the text. It shows what the structure of the content itself is and how it has been divided. In other words - the table of contents provides information before the text information itself. A step further is linking each content table item! Because such a small change can allow the reader to jump through a long copy, choosing different sections to read.
Again, linked content is something that is valued in Google search. That affects SEO by making linked subtitles appear individually in search results. It means that now more links can lead to a single text on your website! Bingo!

4. Optimize Images
The images speak authentically and create an atmosphere. That is why they often supplement the textual content, depicting the content in question. But be careful with pictures, because the great picture quality is not always a good ally!
Yes, the image on the site should still have a certain quality in every sense. But large and high-quality images can overload a site's page.
At the very least, they slow down page loading, which is bad enough already. In addition, there are glitches and similar bugs that the non-optimized image brings. When we say optimize images, we mean fit them into other content in a decent size and quality. Remember that this image should not go to a photo exhibition. It should become an effective element of a cleverly designed site. As the tools for adjusting are various, it is not a difficult job to do. An optimized image can still speak more than a thousand words without compromising everything else on the site!

5. Use the Link Potential
We’ve already said that linking content is key to SEO, but you have to do it thoughtfully. Precisely because links are a powerful tool in navigation, you should make full use of their potential. The use of internal links is increasing lately. They link the content of pages within your website. You need to know where and when to include them in the content because they should smoothly guide the User through the material. Try to put yourself in the role of someone who wants information from your website. That can help you see where on the site you need more stuff or similar content. Based on that, you can link some of your posts with a blog. Or a picture with a description of the product and the like.
On the other hand, there are backlinks. They link your website to other websites, usually with similar content. That way, you are even more visible among the visitors of other sites. And if your website gets more backlinks, it means for the Search Engine that your content is helpful and valuable for someone who linked it on their site!
Very simply, if fellow sites recognize the value of your content, you grow in the eyes of Search Engines!
6. Be Active on Social Media
Social Media has been spreading and sharing valuable public information for some time. So that's not a new thing! However, we think that not everyone has noticed the potential of social networks. Especially business owners. True, websites are the official source of information about you and your company. However, this does not mean that other platforms cannot be of use to you.
On the contrary, linking the site's content with posts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and the like, can spread the word about your business and offers.
The nature of these networks allows you to get in touch with your audience in a genuine way. This way, people can follow you daily through portions of short and informative posts. Should we repeat it? Search Engines also follow your activity on social networks. They follow links that connect your site to other platforms and include it all in the rankings. And where better to gather feedback from your visitors than through live social networks?

7.Create Quality Content
We’re talking tips and tricks here, but with SEO there are really no tricks! Except for quality.
In the end, quality content wins first place in the search!
Always keep this in mind as you create content for your site. You can insert a bunch of links to the site. You can search for keywords to perfection. In the end, it all leads to your content, and Search Engines evaluate its quality! Google and others will scan your site almost like a human, a real reader. They will know how hard you tried to create truthful and relevant material. That is why the only and best recipe for successful SEO is to stick to quality content! Be informative when writing, but organize each element well. Be frank and don't talk about what you are not 100% sure about. Be consistent and keep readers' attention to modern topics.
Simply, give your audience the content you would like to see yourself!
These 7 ways that can smoothly improve the SEO of your site are one of many that can launch you to the first place of Google search. And new ways of improving are constantly emerging.
Aside from all the SEO features that lead users to your website, the quality of your content is what Search Engines value the most.
So, work on strong content and smart optimization - create a balance between these two.
What you want in the end is for many people to find and visit your website. To say - It’s been a great ride! - and to come back again.